The China Medical Physicist & Clinical Application Specialist will be primarily responsible for the clinical application training and clinical support to the end users and distributors in china. The specialist will work closely with sales, marketing, customer support department on a variety of cross-functional projects. He/she will act as a subject matter expert and review various training related materials.
Report to: This position reports to Clinical Support Team leader , Asia Pacific
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
?Provide Clinical Application Training to Tomotherapy customers mainly in China and APAC region . This will include both clinical operation and treatment planning.
?Support installation team to train end user for ATP process
?Provide Clinical Applications Support to customers (end users and distributors). Oversee the utilization and deployment of clinical use of the Tomotherapy Product in China.
?Provide Clinical Support/Demonstration Support to Sales, Marketing departments. Participate actively in on-site and in-house presentations, customer visits, demonstrations and training activities with emphasis on clinical techniques.
?Collaborate with the sales force on customer needs and competition as well as products usage. Localize global tools and processes develop news sales tools, complying with Corporate policy and standard.
?Work with marketing department in achieving marketing ives of products and services defined in the annual marketing plan. Work closely with Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists, and Neurosurgeons in order to define the clinical and market needs, and share the information with the Clinical Marketing Manager.
?BS in Radiation Technology or Radiation Dosimetry, MS in Medical Physicist is preferable.
?5+ years of prior experience in Radiation Oncology or in Commercial company as a Radiation Dosimetrist, Application specialist or 5 years as a Medical Physicist.
Must be:
oA team p and contribute openly to colleagues
oA self starter, and able to take initiative
oSelf-motivated and self-discipline.
oCapable of working without close supervision, be able to successfully schedule, organize and conduct field service activities in assigned territories.
oPrepared to work flexible hours including weekends.
oWilling to travel in China is required
Must have
oA positive attitude and be highly motivated.
oStrong interpersonal skills and be an effective communicator.
oExcellent oral and written communication skills in English and Chinese (Mandarin)
oWell developed interpersonal skills
Accuray Incorporated (Nasdaq: ARAY), based in Sunnyvale, Calif., is the premier radiation oncology company. The company develops, manufactures and sells personalized, best-in-class treatment solutions that revolve around the patient. Accuray’s innovative technologies – the CyberKnife and TomoTherapy Systems – set the standard of care with the aim of helping patients live longer, better lives.