Sumscope是一家服務于人民幣市場的金融科技公司,專注于固定收益及衍生品市場,為客戶提供工作平臺、實時資訊平臺以及Data service服務。我們的客戶包括貨幣經(jīng)紀公司、銀行、證券公司、基金公司等金融機構。
Sumscope is a leading financial information and trading platform technology company focused on the RMB OTC markets in China. We started our business providing real-time bond quotes for the domestic inter-bank market and promptly created China's largest domestic inter-bank bond trading community. We subsequently expanded our business beyond cash bonds into the broader OTC markets, complemented our real-time quotes with sophisticated analytics, and expanded our client base to market professions world-wide. Our flagship OTC platform, "Sumcope Quoteboard", covers a broad range of asset classes including cash bonds, IRS, FX Swaps, and money markets. As of today, our products serve more than 1,000 financial institutions globally, including banks, security firms, fund houses, and insurance companies. Apart from Quoteboard, we also partner with leading voice brokers and prominent market makers by providing them enterprise work-flow solutions. Sumscope’s management team brings wide ranging experience from premier firms of the financial industry, including Bloomberg LP, Thomsen Reuters, eSpeed, Morgan Stanley, and Nomura Securities. To meet the rapidly growth of the business needs, Sumscope has established offices in the principle RMB financial centers such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, and anticipates expanding this footprint globally.
With the ongoing liberalization of the currency and interest rate policy, transaction volumes in the RMB OTC markets will see explosive growth in the near future. This growth will provide enormous opportunities for firms such as Sumscope that serve the RMB OTC markets. Our vision is to become the primary platform, trading community, and market-place for the mushrooming, increasingly globalized RMB OTC market.